When I first met Pete Childress he had an African Gray Parrot on his shoulder. How many guys can you say that about?
Pete is the proud owner of the San Francisco Home Page--which has just been recognized by Alive USA as one of the very best regional web pages in the country and has been hot-listed, check it out--and is both our gracious host on both the virtual and non-virtual plane. Let me put it plainly: If it wasn't for Pete, there wouldn't be no stinking On the Road...Again, Tripping in Reverse web page and Jon and I would be out in the fucking virtual and non-virtual cold.

 Guess who graciously offered our web page, On the Road...Again, Tripping in Reverse, a home when we discovered that there just wasn't going to be no way that we could have our own page up in time for the trip? That's right, Pete.

 Guess who has been remarkably gracious and giving of his time, effort and advice in the many hours that it took to get our page up and it takes to keep it going? That's right, Pete. And his dynamic-duo sidekick Chrissie deserves and extra-helping of kudos for the truly fine meal that she laid out for us and for being just an all around good joe!

 Guess who not only put us up for the night, but also let us spend the entire next day reorganizing and recharging our batteries, when Jon's Mazda broke down (again both virtual and non-virtual again)? That's right, Pete.

 And guess who is going to take the rap if our web page runs afoul with the FCC? That's right. Pete. (Just kidding Pete, it's just a joke, now put that virtual gun down and let's email this out!)

 And guess who, right at this very moment as we speak, is just a couple of crossed T's and dotted I's away from a cure for cancer, which he's going to give away the patent to because he doesn't even want the money, that's the kind of guy he is? Do you know who, cause I sure as hell don't!

 Pete: Jon and I raise our glasses in a toast in your honor. Consider this a great big fucking On the Road...Again, Tripping in Reverse twenty-one gun salute. We couldn't have done it without you, buddy!

And while we're at it, Jon and I wanted to know if your African Gray Parrot knows his way home cause we let him outside to fly around a bit and stretch out his wings and stuff, you know, but the little bugger hasn't come home yet. Pete? Hullo, Pete?

 Thanx Pete!!!!!